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About us

Anup Tamakuwala

President / CEO

Anup has an undergraduate and masters degree in Computer Science from Cornell University, and has mastered in business administration and statistics/econometrics. He has worked extensively on Wall Street for Creditex, which created an online exchange for credit derivatives and credit default swaps, as well as Bloomberg LLP, a financial software services company based in NYC. He has written software for exchange connectivity connecting to worlds financial future exchanges for Bloomberg LLP including Liffe, Eurex, Euronext, CBOT, CBOE. He has worked as a software developer with Global Sale Side Equity Order Management Systems (GSSEOMS) routing equity orders broker-to-broker instead of broker-to-exchange and trade execution/reporting for all parties of the transaction.

Anup also has extensive experience in construction, construction management, and running and managing hotels in the NYC market in the form of various family businesses and partnerships and it is from this experience that the idea for practical, real world business solutions in the form of apps was first formed.  Anup is heavily involved in the hospitality sector in Miami and New York as investor, operator and hospitality industry board member.

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